God is longing to bring revival… Is He getting us ready? Yesterday, Simon Baddeley, Hellie Glynn and Richard Fothergill spent half an hour chatting about revival across the nations!
The Filling Station ‘Team South Africa’ arrived in Cape Town, 10 days ago. We had four days of ministering at Church of the Holy Spirit (the church that Richard and Jo planted in Cape Town 25 years ago!) This included a one-day Conference with teaching focusing on being filled & empowered by the Spirit (our favourite topic!), & seminars on healing, prophesy, spiritual warfare & deliverance. And heading to the Waterberg to support them down there.
The Bible exhorts us to unity, even promises that where believers have unity, the Lord Himself will pour out blessing. Today I want to celebrate women and the wonder that we are! Women’s hearts can connect deeply, across cultures and divides, even without words.
Lent is a time of spiritual preparation, 40 days of opportunity. It can be a chance to remember, as well as draw parallels with the 40 days of temptation that Jesus endured in the wilderness, in preparation for his public ministry.
God speaks! Though we do not always perceive it, He reveals Himself in dreams and in visions. Yet in the western world, these are viewed through a highly cautionary lens. They are seen in many places as rare, or for those who are especially gifted. Find out more here.
Have you seen that we’ve launched a new activity at the Filling Station? Watch the ‘Conversation’ about Angels, God’s heavenly messengers, with Richard, Simon and Hellie.
All the way through the Bible, numbers are significant and have symbolic significance. How can we as believers be biblical in our understanding of numbers in Scripture?
For some Christians, the word ‘evangelism’ feels daunting! The idea of sharing their Christian faith with someone else seems a big thing to do. What does the Bible say about it?