West Weald, Kent

Fordcombe Village Hall , Tunbridge Wells , Fordcombe , Kent , TN3 0RY

Station Information

  • Venue
    Fordcombe Village Hall
    Tunbridge Wells
    TN3 0RY
  • Meets
    4th Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm
  • Primary Contact
    Sheila Perkins
  • 07952 354 478 / 01892 863 239
  • westweald@thefillingstation.org

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Graham Kendrick

Posted April 8, 2024

Graham was leading worship and speaking… well, well, well… do look up John 4 and ask if you’d like a recording of his talk. He was inspirational and the worship was truly uplifting – a visit to the well and how to bring other people to the well.
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Jan 24th

Posted January 4, 2024

Jan Ransom MBE will be speaking on Freedom. Jan is an excellent and highly sought after speaker and this promises to be a great evening. Do come and bring your friends. Dan, Jonathan, Andrew and Lee with others from Cabin Worship will be leading worship.
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West Weald Filling Station
‘The Gift’ at West Weald

Posted December 12, 2023

It was a great venue for 'The Gift': the farmer had shifted large bales to make a worship area, more bales to sit on, a Christmas tree. We added lights!
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