Great Trek has started!

Richard and Josephine Fothergill kicked off the Great Trek sponsored prayer walk from John o’groats to Lands End on Monday the 5th of June. In surprisingly dry weather for this part of Scotland, they walked 14.7 miles towards Thurso to meet that town’s Filling Station team for their first local prayer meeting. Richard aims to walk over 500 miles to Land’s End, connecting as many Filling Station meetings as he can as he heads south over the next 6 weeks.
He is also raising sponsorship money for two groups – ‘Hands at Work’ a S.African AID’s orphans charity the Filling Station partners with, and to help new local Filling Station meetings get up and running. There are currently 16 groups wanting to open Filling Stations across the UK and abroad.
If you want to sponsor him, visit the Stewardship sponsorship page: click here for my giving page He is posting a daily blog about the walk on his Facebook account, so contact him directly if you would like to become ‘Friend’ on Facebook – click here to be taken to be taken to the page.