Tuesday 13th April 2021 – Revd Richard Fothergill

Our guest speaker this month will be Richard Fothergill who I am sure many of you will remember from the very first meetings of The Filling Station here in Box in 2006 (which had itself grown out of the informal Prayer & Praise evenings).
Richard is ordained in the Anglican Church, having been called quite dramatically by God out of a successful early career in advertising. He has led Church plants in Capetown and in Bristol, and is now the Director of The Filling Station Trust which supports local groups in setting up their own Filling Station meetings in the UK and overseas. Richard will bring words of encouragement and hope.
Do join us at 7.30pm on our YouTube channel TFS BOX
If you would like items for prayer, or have messages to share, please contact us either by email at box@thefillingstation.org or via our Facebook page TFS Box http://www.facebook.com/thefillingstationbox/