A last minute venue change – and testimony of a commitment to Jesus!

A last minute change of venue to Staveley Village Hall didn’t deter a great turn out last night! Thank you to all who came along, and we prayed that every single person would hear about the venue change.
We can see that the enemy has been trying hard to disrupt SLFS but we fought back hard!

The evening opened with prayer, powerful worship and an encouraging testimony of God moving powerfully in Ivan’s life (who gave his life to the Lord at the May South Lakes Filling Station). We will share this testimony soon!

We had an equipping message from speaker, Jonathan Halsey, reminding us of the promises within our faith and the whole armour of God. He was inspired by Louie Giglio’s message, “Don’t give the enemy a seat at your table.”

All of this was followed by multiple prophetic words and a time of prayer ministry.
A great evening together as the SLFS that cannot be deterred by constantly changing venues, or the attempts of the enemy to shut us down. (Half the power tripped in the hall, but we had an extension lead and used another socket!!!)
Next month…We’re at The Mission in Windermere!
The Mission is based at Lakes Christian Centre, Park Road, Windermere, LA23 2BG.
We have been told we can now permanently use their space for our Filling Station meetings, so we will meet there on 21st July.