South Lakes Posts

Get ready for change

On Thursday after stirring worship led by Rob, Jan Ransom told us that change was coming, in the nation and the church. She told us we had to be ready for it and that the best way to be ready was to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to Jesus. Read More

July 18 – Jan Ransom

Lt Col (retd) Jan Ransom MBE was in the British Army for 26 years, retiring in 2002 in order to found Flame International, of which she is now the Director. Jan travels with teams extensively in Africa, the Middle East and Asia to countries that have been traumatised by war, genocide or oppression. The ministry… Read More

June meeting

This month’s speaker on 20 June is Brian Streeter. Brian is a part-time church leader based in the South Lakes. He is also a part-time Regional Consultant for Filling Station for the North of England, ranging from the Scottish borders down as far as Cheshire and across to the East coast. Brian’s passion is to… Read More

Fire Night

At the May meeting Anthony Delaney challenged us to get the fire of the Holy Spirit . We worshipped, heard testimony and the story of Elijah calling down fire from heaven from Anthony. We sensed the presence of God. Read More

Great time learning about Prophecy

At our April meeting we listened to teaching and testimony about Prophecy from Richard Fothergill and Julie Jackson. After they spoke we split into groups of three and listened to the Holy Spirit for words and pictures for each other. This was a great learning experience and a chance to hear from God. Read More

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