Regular Meeting Night

Monday 9th December it’s Carols and Testimonies!

Rob will lead us in Worship, singing well known Carols and Richard will show us how prophetic these Carols have been over the years.

We want people to come forward and share how God has worked in their lives this year. Testimonies build up the body of Christ, giving encouragement and assurance that our God is a wonderful God who hears and answers prayers. If you would like to share please give Catherine a ring on 07801 634034 to let her know what you have in mind.

Next year, 2025, we are celebrating the Ashburnham Filling Station 10th Anniversary! Where have those 10 years gone? And we are inviting back memorable Speakers who in the passed have been truly inspirational. It will be a great year, so we hope you can join us

This December we are meeting in the Fernery at Ashburnham Place, it may be a bit snug, but it will be fun. Come for coffee and cakes at 7pm and start Christmas with great fellowship.

We look forward to seeing you.

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