October meeting report

Do you have a hero? What is a hero? Is it someone or something you can really trust? Someone you can look up to, ask for advice or help with every problem? Someone totally reliable? DO YOU EVEN KNOW ANYONE LIKE THAT? Someone you can describe as GREAT; a LEADER; STRONG when you feel weak; Someone who will be a SHIELD for you when you feel unsafe or unsure; Someone who will CALM you when you are anxious; will make you feel safe and KEEP YOU SAFE? Someone who deserves ALL YOUR GRATITUDE AND PRAISE? Surely, there is no-one THAT GOOD? Surely, there aren’t any real heroes? Take heart, my friend, THERE REALLY IS someone just like that. He is waiting for you to call out to Him from the bottom of your heart – THAT’S when you will meet THE ONLY ONE WHO IS A TRUE HERO. His Name is Jesus.

Rob Brett “Bread of Heaven”:

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