Ryedale Posts

July Meeting

Our speaker this month, Carolyn Bramhall, reminded us that God is always with us.  He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  How good and comforting is it that there is not even A MOMENT when we cannot reach Him, rest in Him, hear Him and talk to Him – experience His amazing love. He is… Read More

June Meeting

Our 2nd Ryedale Filling Station meeting took place on Saturday, 1st June, in our lovely Hall at Kirby Misperton. Another touching message, this time from our own David Pettit, who recounted some very deep, personal experiences, where he was shown what it was like for God the Father to have to turn His back on… Read More

What happened?

4th May 2024 – what an exciting day that was for our little group in Ryedale. Our first Filling Station meeting, held at our lovely God-chosen, God-given hall in Kirby Misperton, just outside Pickering, N.Yorkshire.First, we broke some of F.S. rules of organising a meeting; then we made a few rules of our own about… Read More

First Meeting

Our ‘Soft Launch’ took place on the 4th May, and was a real blessing to all who attended. People were moved by the songs we sang, the message (provided courtesy of Todd Pierce via video!), the fellowship, the ministry, and prayer. Perhaps not least by the delicious homemade cakes and biscuits provided, but most of… Read More

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