Richard Fothergill Posts

Filling Station Team Lead Swedish Conference

A team of 10 visited Gothenberg, Sweden to lead the second Swedish National Filling Station Conference over the weekend of April 25th – 27th. Several hundred people came to the event and healings, conversions, deliverances and encounters with the Lord God took place. Three new FS meetings will now be starting in the country as… Read More

Welcome to 2021!

A New Year, a new promise from the Lord!  It say, ‘My comfort in my suffering is this, Your promise preserves my life’ in Psalm 119 v.50.  He says elsewhere, ‘I shall never leave you nor forsake you’ (Hebrews 13.5), so let’s take heart about the year ahead, that He, the Lord God is with… Read More

Christmas Unwrapped with Sir Cliff, Sir David and Canon J.John

22 different Filling Station meetings across the UK are doing on-line carol services this December featuring Sir Cliff Richard, Sir David Suchet and Canon J.John and friends. Various dates have been booked for these carol services which will be broadcast under the title of ‘Christmas Unwrapped.’  Filling Station founder the Rev Richard Fothergill and his… Read More

On-line Alpha at the Filling Station

An increasing number of Filling Station meetings are offering, ‘Alpha’, which has now had over 30 million people world wide attend the 10 week course.  Over 5 million have done Alpha in Great Britain, many finding a real relationship with God through it.  Alpha International, offer 10 high quality films covering the basis of the… Read More

Filling Station staff return to work

The Filling Station Trust staff come off furlough on September 1st. The full team will be available to support and serve all the Filling Station meetings across the world as from that date and they are very much looking forward to being involved with you once again! If you want to make contact with any… Read More

Filling Station staff in Scotland

Some of the Filling Station Trust team are in Scotland at the site of Refuel, our annual holiday teaching week which has for obvious reasons, been cancelled this year. It will take place again in July 2021. The Refuel management team are putting on various events as this would have been the week of Refuel… Read More

31 Filling Stations now offering ‘virtual’ meetings

Over thirty Filling Stations across the world are now offering on-line evening meetings.  These range from Lossiemouth in Northern Scotland, to the Wye Valley in S.Wales, to all the meetings in Kent and the large Central London Filling Station.  Country, suburb and city are all covered by meetings like these across the UK. Many report… Read More

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