january, 2020
Event Details
We are moving to a bigger venue! Our January meeting (and subsequent meetings) will be held at Knowle Village Hall, St. John's Close, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0NH. Our speaker will be
Event Details
We are moving to a bigger venue! Our January meeting (and subsequent meetings) will be held at Knowle Village Hall, St. John’s Close, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0NH.
Our speaker will be Rachel Saum, an ordained leader from St Leonard’s Church, Charlecote, near Stratford Upon Avon (and next door to Charlecote Park where William Shakespeare is reputed to have poached deer!)
Rachel runs garden retreats and is keen on prayer walking. We’ll be fascinated to hear more!
Knowle Village Hall is located behind the shops on the south side of Knowle High Street, on the opposite side of the large public car park to the Tesco supermarket. Coming from Solihull, turn right into St John’s Close half way along the High St (just after Hunter’s Estate Agents on the right). Go past the Loch Fyne restaurant (on the right) and after 100 metres there is a car park on the left. The back of the village hall is on the far side of this car park, 50 metres away from where you drove in. Please take the footpath along the side of the hall to the main entrance. If this car park is full, proceed another 100 metres to the next car park (on the left, alongside the village hall).
St John’s Close can also be accessed from Station Road or from Lodge Road. Approaching from either direction, the village hall main entrance fronts onto St John’s Close, and there are convenient car parks on both sides of the village hall.
There are more details about the hall, and a map showing its location (click on ‘Find Us’) at www.knowlevillagehall.co.uk.
The format will be very similar to our meetings at Hampton Manor – refreshments from 7pm, lively worship with the band from 7.30pm, fascinating speaker, and time for prayer and healing before we finish around 9pm.
We look forward to seeing you!
(Monday) 7:30 pm
Heart of England Filling Station
Knowle Village Hall
Heart of England Filling Station
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