Comedy and Carols at Christmas

Comedy and Carols 5th Dec 2016
The Wirral Filling Station hosted an evening of comedy and carols as the final gathering of 2016. About 150 people packed into the Bushell hall to enjoy mulled wine and mince pies alongside the “trademark” filling station cakes. The host team had beavered away to create a suitably festive atmosphere complete with table decorations, and lanterns. The Rock Ferry branch of the Salvation Army led sung worship to an exceptional standard with everyone’s favourite carols. Interspersed was a seasonal poetry reading and a beautiful solo musical item. The main speaker Mark Greenwood entertained with a seasonal comedy routine which gently unpacked the message of Immanuel.
This felt an appropriate way to close this season of Filling Station gatherings as we look forward to where God is going to lead us next year. We are grateful for all who give of their time to serve in many ways. Our heart at Filling Station is to SERVE the Church on Wirral, to promote Christian unity and to provide an environment where anyone can experience a fresh touch from God by His Spirit. We hope to see you again soon for a “re-fuel”.
Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity…. for there the Lord commands a blessing, even life forevermore. Psalm 133
Next speaker; Luke Andrews, Youth Pastor Life Church 19th Jan 2017