All 16 Filling Stations in Scotland link up virtually!

For the first time ever, all 16 Filling Station teams in Scotland, including the newest meeting, Arbroath Filling Station, linked up successfully on March 31st for an evening’s discussion, prayer and sharing of testimonies as none of them were able to gather in the normal way. Because of the unusual ‘lock down’ situation created by the coronavirus pandemic, Filling Station teams across the world have been looking at new means of communicating with each other using available technology. Craig Mackay, Regional Consultant for Scotland, said he was delighted that the evening had been such a success and could see this medium being a long term help to all the meetings in his area as they reach out to other Christians, often miles away, to share the knowledge and presence of God. The FS Trust has heard of at least 6 other Filling Stations who have now tried ‘virtual meetings’, including the largest meeting in the network, Central London Filling Station who normally meet in Notting Hill, London. They had over 1,000 people ‘tune-in’ on their Youtube compiled worship evening on Thursday March 26th. If you are a Filling Station host team member and would like to find out more on how to host such a virtual meeting, get in touch with Emily (Administration) on: or Richard & Jo Fothergill ( More news will be posted on this website in the coming weeks, as well as on the national Facebook page: