Prophetic words given to the people of The Filling Station in Witney (2017)

We are pleased to share with you some of the prophetic words given to the Witney Filling Station by a team from the Glasgow Prophetic Centre; they are great friends of The Filling Station. We invite you to use them as a basis for prayer and declaration.
MAY 2017
‘I will make myself known in your region and I am preparing you for a move of the Holy Spirit. Before the glory comes the fire; pruning, cutting back, refining, which is the point of the fire. You know that the vision is not what it is manifested before you now. Remember the first vision and get back to it. Things have settled. I call you to be an ever changing, growing people. What would have happened if Moses had settled halfway up the mountain? Keep your eyes on the top of the mountain. I will be with you in the whisper, fire, storm, but only at the top of the mountain, not halfway up. Be pioneering again; you have plateaued. I am extending to you a new season where you will be dominated by the Holy Spirit. To break depression even in the houses of the wealthy, even in the churches. Fire always precedes glory.’
MAY 2017
‘Men of Witney WAKE UP & WALK in the anointing. Women are pushing forward but men are saying, “Hold on.” But men and women are not Venus & Mars; men & women, ALL should be for Me. Take up arms, be warriors, protectors, soldiers. WAKE UP, men of Witney!
Not one of you is here by mistake in the Filling Station. Shake off the lethargy placed on you by the Evil One. Live in honour preferring one another; each one has an important part to play but God requires the MEN TO WAKE UP so the Filling Station can move to the next stage. So, press on to the top of the mountain where God is. Come on MEN! God has made you FISHERS OF MEN. Come and partner with your God.’
MAY 2017
‘I am forming you like priests in the temple. UNITY…. remember you are a family. Strengthen your unity. When that is in place, that is your invitation to Me to come, when you are in unity. Come up HIGHER.’
‘Glory will spill out as you concentrate on the Cross. Some need to be bandaged and patched and have oil put on wounds. DO IT. What a work God wants to do among the churches in Witney…CALLING IT INTO BEING. Filling Station you are to be a service, blessing, shot in the arm to the churches.’