Tuesday 12th October 2021 – Canon Andrew Evans

“Coming to the end of ourselves and being filled with the Holy Spirit”
We are so excited to be meeting “in person” again! Our next gathering will be this Tuesday October 12th at 7.00pm for a 7.30 start at the Box Methodist Church.

Canon Andrew Evans will be joining us as our Guest speaker and we are really looking forward to welcoming him back to TFS. Andrew is the vicar of 3 local churches, in Holt, Broughton Gifford and Great Chalfield and is also the Rural Dean of Bradford. Andrew was a solicitor in private practice for 20 years before being called to ministry in the Church of England. He is passionate to see God’s Kingdom come here in Wiltshire, to see churches healthy and growing, and to see the gospel proclaimed alongside signs of the Kingdom.
Andrew will be drawing on the miracle of Elisha and the jar of oil to talk about us coming to the end of ourselves and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Are we ready for Jesus’ return?
The evening will begin with an extended time of worship and we very much encourage active participation to share what God is saying to you. Last month was our first “in-person” meeting since the COVID lockdowns – it was an encouraging and uplifting evening in which the team shared how they sensed God was leading and challenging TFS in three key areas:
ENCOUNTER with God – especially in worship. We want to be open to, and led by, the Holy Spirit more fully, with each person able to contribute openly to worship, using spiritual gifts, sharing scriptures, giving words from God and expressing praise.
ENCOURAGE one another – welcoming newcomers and connecting with each other as well as with God.
EQUIPPING the people of God. We hope that Christians who may feel hard-pressed would find themselves energised and “filled up”, ready to take up the challenges of following Christ in our everyday lives and church involvement.
Please be assured we will be implementing sensible and comprehensive COVID risk management measures to ensure we have a safe and welcoming environment for us to meet together in the Methodist Church building. We’re really looking forward to sharing worship with you all together again and to being challenged by Canon Andrew.