Vale of York now available in the Ukrainian language!

We had to move venues to the Village Hall for our meeting: we had 70 in attendance with Ukrainians making up at least half the room!
Some who came along were non-Christians, who went on to receive prayer and are still in communication with the Christian Ukrainians about faith.
The talk from Ukrainian evangelist, Julia Pohutsa, was very heart warming and encouraging – and lots of people received prayer! Julia writes, “God brought me to the UK and gave me the ministry of sharing the gospel here”.
As well as teaching English and French, Julia has for many years enjoyed running Christian summer
camps, and working with all ages. She is serving God through York Schools and Youth Trust, (YoYo).
Many felt God speaking to them during the evening:
- to return fully to our First Love
- to completely trust and find security in God in this season
- to know we can bear fruit in this hard time even in a foreign land like the meaning of Ephraim, Joseph’s son, in Genesis 42.
We loved seeing the Ukrainian teenagers on the back row absolutely singing their hearts out as Ukrainian worship leader Julia lead songs in both languages!