prophecy Posts

Great time learning about Prophecy

At our April meeting we listened to teaching and testimony about Prophecy from Richard Fothergill and Julie Jackson. After they spoke we split into groups of three and listened to the Holy Spirit for words and pictures for each other. This was a great learning experience and a chance to hear from God. Read More

Clear Vision: Cheltenham

Hellie Glynn & Simon Baddeley ran a prophetic equipping day at Trinity Cheltenham on Saturday called “Clear Vision” – it was totally packed with nearly 230 attending. Thanks so much for Clare Bell for leading worship. Read More

“Prayer Shot” – October summary

On Tuesday 3rd October, a small group of Staff Team, Filling Station Hosts and guests, gathered to pray online, led by Laura & James. The Power of Communal Fasting As a Filling Station Staff team, we feel we are to step up into a rhythm of coming together once a month to fast. In Jesus’… Read More

Watch our Regional Consultant, Simon Baddeley, on the British Isles Council of Prophets on YouTube!

Our Regional Consultant for South West England, Simon Baddeley, was part of the Conversations (British Isles Council of Prophets) on Monday, alongside Louise Reid and Claire Harrison. Every Monday and Friday at 9am a group from the British Isles Council of Prophets get together online to discuss, pray and help us navigate the unique season.… Read More

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